1. Never ever forget that you’re not the only one out to make a dollar or two. The top ten casino owners in the world are worth a combined fortune of hundreds of millions; they didn’t make that by doing favors for anyone. Always keep your head about you, and don’t fall for gimmicks or give aways – you can win big in a casino, hundreds of people do every day, but for the most part it’s from being smart not from being lucky, so banish thoughts of luck right now.
2. Land based casinos are set up to suck you in. The slots are positioned by the door to entice you, the loose machines near the exit so the rattle of winning coins can be heard, windows and clocks are hard to come by because they want you to loose a sense of time, and drinks are on the house because the fuzzier you are the better. Just be aware of this. Casinos are the best fun in the world, but know exactly what you’re going in for, and for how long, and stick to it. You control what you play, for how much, and for how long; not them.
3. Always tip your server. This is really just good etiquette whether the drinks are on the house or paid for. In addition, a big win at a table usually calls for a dealer tip.
4. Most of the top ten casino payouts in the world are located in Nevada: the payouts of Las Vegas casinos are on average 6% more than those in Atlantic City, at a whopping 97%. Always take into account when you see that a casino boosts ‘high payouts’, that it is all relative: Local ‘high’, may not compare to a national conception of ‘high’.
5. Online casinos must be licensed; an up to date license from a reputable authority guarantees your safe play, don’t ever play in a casino without one.
6. Only play for fun. Some can make a living from gambling but these are relatively few and far between, and unless you clearly have talent, don’t try: take only into the casino what you are prepared to play with and not come out with.
7. Card counting is not illegal, but it is frowned upon for obvious reasons by casino proprietors. If you are able to card count and wish to do so, you must do it subtly; it being legal doesn’t make it any more acceptable.
8. The top ten casino appraisal reports have indicated that slots consistently make up the largest profit market for casino owners today. This makes them the leaders in the casino gaming world and the area receiving the most investments. Playing on these will always be encouraged and in general well rewarded.
9. Most casinos are new-comer friendly. If you are not sure of something, don’t ever be afraid to ask. If you are not comfortable asking then take a time out, sit back and observe what others are doing.
10. Last but not least – enjoy yourself! Casinos are fun, the top ten casino activities include along side gambling, drinking, laughing, and playing – that’s what it’s all about; and if you win a few dollars, all the better.