It is sometimes quite hard to actually quantify the difference between the online funds transfer companies. With so many of them out there, most of who offer the same service, customers are begging for something new. The increase in online sales of the past few years has compounded this need even more. Ukash has realized this problem and has developed a service which fills a gap in the online funds transfer market. By targeting shoppers who prefer to shop on a cash basis, Ukash has managed to become a serious player in the online market in a short space of time. Backed by Smart Voucher Limited, Ukash has the financial expertise as well as the infrastructure to offer a safe and secure online funds transfer option.
Ukash merges the online world with the real world. Ukash vouchers can be purchased at any land based merchant where the Ukash logo is visible, as well as online. In many cases, the shopper does not wish to purchase for the full value of the voucher. In the case of Ukash vouchers, change is given in the local currency. Although Ukash vouchers are mainly available in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain, the service is fast being implemented in the rest of the European Union, USA and Canada. Ukash's aim is to become the market lader in voucher-based cash transactions.
Each Ukash voucher carries a unique 19 digit code. The voucher can only be used once this code is correctly entered and verified by the system. When shopping online, a new voucher will be issued in the form of change. This voucher will have a brand new unique code. A 24/7 customer call centre is available in the event of lost vouchers. Although it is up to the bearer of the voucher to keep the voucher safe at all times, it is possible to block a voucher if it is reported lost or stolen within a short amount of time. In a sense, Ukash vouchers are safer than cash due to the fact that once cash has been lost it is untraceable. Ukash vouchers at least have some kind of buffer zone where the money can be retrieved.
Cash is completely anonymous, and is therefore the preferred method of payment for most shoppers. Ukash acts in the same manner. There is no personal data which has to be parted with and there is no possible way a merchant can gain any information. The Ukash system is protected by the latest in security technology to reduce fraud and mismanagement of funds.
Ukash has managed to break through the clutter and offer a unique service to shoppers who prefer a cash based world. By maintaining its excellent service record and expanding into the rest of Europe and North America, Ukash is growing from strength to strength.