Online Bingo

Bingo is a game played with numbers. It is an extremely interactive game and it is normally played for recreation and fun with the additional fun factor of monetary benefits involved. Each player receives a set of 75 numbers, usually divided into three cards with one 5X5 number matrix each. A huge bowl filled with colored balls, called the Bingo Blower, blows out one colored ball at a time through a pipe. A caller then calls out the number on that colored ball. The players have to match the numbers on their cards to the number which the caller announces. If a player matches the numbers on his card to a specific pattern he shouts "Bingo", to let the others know that he has matched a specific pattern. The dealer then verifies the player’s cards and gives him the winning prize. Prizes normally consist of a certain amount of money for each specific pattern a player matches. For example, if a player matches a pattern called Full House, which means if he matches all the 5X5 numbers in his card to the numbers that were called; he gets a certain amount of money. There are two prominent types of bingo that is played around the world. One is the 75-ball bingo and the other is 90-ball bingo.

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Online Bingo is no different from the real bingo except for the fact that it is played virtually. Both 75-ball and 90-ball bingo can be played online. Online bingo games are normally hosted on gaming and casino websites, and similar to the real bingo, players receive cards and match the numbers on them to the numbers that randomly appear on their screen. In the real game the caller draws the ball and announces the number but in the online game it is automated and certain software applications are run to randomly call out numbers. Some websites offer players the ability to download a free application interface through which players play while other websites use Java or Flash enabled games which allow the players to sign up and start playing immediately without having to download anything.

One key feature in Online Bingo is the ability to chat and interact with other players while you play your game. Most gaming websites offer a chat window where players can connect with others. Here, players discuss about strategies, game-plans and you can even form your own bingo-playing communities or you can join in one. Another feature in online bingo is the auto-daub. This feature automatically marks the number that is drawn from the bingo blower to the number on the player’s card. This way, the player can play without the fear of missing out a match.

Bingo can be traced back to the early 1500s where it was played in carnivals in Italy. It spread rapidly across Europe in the 1600s and soon it became a must-play carnival game