One of the first things to note about the game of Keno is that this is a very old game that is simple to learn and to play. It should also be pointed out that this is a fun pursuit.
A simple explanation for the game of Keno is that this is a form of lottery or bingo. The origins of Keno lie hundreds of years ago in ancient China. An interesting story surrounds the history of the Keno game. It is told that the game itself was created by a man named Cheung Leung, who was desperate to do anything possible in order to save his troubled city in China. The idea behind the invention of the Keno game was in order to raise funds for a faltering army. (Read More)
The game became popular in the U.S. once the casinos sprung up after the legalization of gambling in Nevada in the 1930s, though it had been around in the country since the 1800s. Today, with the arrival of the Internet, you can play Keno offline, at a land-based casino, or online, at an online casino. (Read More)
Keno is a game that is more like a lottery. The game is supposed to have originated long ago in China, dating back to a few centuries. The game was supposed to have come to the West along with immigrant workers in the 1800s, and gained popularity only after the 1930s, when Nevada legalized gambling.
Today, you can play keno both offline as well as online. If you are new to Keno, you would do well to know the different terms used in the game. What is an 'all or nothing'? Or a 'ball game'? What does someone mean when he uses the term 'buy-in tournament'? This article provides a glossary of these and some other terms used in Keno. (Read More)
However, the official version has it that Keno has been around for over 3,000 years now. Apparently, the game originated in China, and was invented by a ruler of the great Han Dynasty of China, Cheung Leung. There is an interesting story about how Cheung Leung came out with the game of Keno, which we will look at briefly here. (Read More)